Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Oral Book reports

The King's Fifth
Watching a report that was shot as a show about movie reviews. I don't remember the title of the books, but they were graphic novels about Japanese Vampires.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Asian Day at the Center

Practicing Japanese customs.
Making Kabuki Masks and telling stories.
Playing Asian based games they created.

Working on Asian crafts.
Drinking Jasmine tea from a real Korean tea set.
Earning tokens, to get prizes, by answering questions about Asia.

Dressing costumes that they made from :

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Cloth Timelines....

This one is pre-history to 1500.
This one is 1500 to present day.
(I took a close up to show the kids put themselves on the timeline)
This is a picture without the flash so you could see how pretty the light is as it comes through the canvas.

I posted these timelines because of a blog by a relatively new, but amazing homeschool blogger named Jessica. Her blog is called Trivium Academy.
I had to throw this one in today.
This is a picture Athena took of Emily helping to make bread today!
To see pictures of the finished bread click here.

Brandon H's Photos

Asia's Photo II