Monday, January 1, 2007

My very, very first blog post ever!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

My name is Sandie and I am a mentor. I started out as a teacher, but soon figured out that I can only present information, students must educate themselves. That is why I call myself a mentor. I am the antithesis of a teacher and I direct a program that is the antithesis of a school. I work primarily, but not exclusively, with homeschooled students and their parents.

A funny thing happens when all "school type" work becomes voluntary. Suddenly, you find yourself reading classics with kids for the sheer pleasure it brings everyone. You find yourself involved in complex challenging algebra problems just because solving them is as rewarding as learning to ollie on a skateboard for the first time. Solving chemical molarity problems becomes as easy as figuring out if you have what you need to make a cake.

In this blog I plan to document how this program works. I will be publishing student papers as well as my own thoughts. I will be challenging my readers to look at their traditionally held views of education. I will someday change the way we educate children here in the U.S.

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